“Flaky” is a word I have heard many times. Lost a lot of friends for cancelling (even when I offered alternative dates or places or online meetings). It’s been devastating, but I’ve learned a lot.

So how do we schedule things? We just do. And we hope we’ve found people who will stick around as we navigate chronic illness and pain and exhaustion, who will go with the flow with what we need. As for business? We just tell everyone upfront who we are and what we may need. It seems like it would be a good thing for the conversation of disability as a whole on top of just keeping with honesty that keeps our guilt low.

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It's so rough when friends don't get it. I've lost them too. But that "education" phase of a friendship can take so much work! On the plus side, those who stick around tend to be the best people imho.

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1000% true. I feel like I’m curating at this point.

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Curating! Such a great way to put it.

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Jan 18Liked by Alyssa Graybeal

I think about this post often. I’ve overcommitted in the past and then pushed through and regretted it or cancelled and felt guilty. So after reading this last month I truly tried to be mindful of what was realistic and responsible for me and for my health. Great post, Alyssa!

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Awesome. It’s a continual negotiation!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Alyssa Graybeal

This is such an elegant access solution! The amount of care, creativity, and planning that goes into making anything happen with unpredictable bodies... far from "flaky".

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Thanks, Alison! Right? I hate that word. We have sky-high levels of grit, actually.

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What a smart and compassionate pivot with your business to move to the "pen pal" model. Thanks for sharing all this!

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Thanks, Katharine! I've been having fun with it.

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Brilliant. <3

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