*I know nothing about this movie. I'm just speaking generally on the topic from just another chronically ill person and writer (who does her best to write with intent).

I see this in two ways:

I see these two women being ableists on accident and that being okay. Why? Because some people are. And while that's not okay, I think the fact that they judged someone speaks to the character of the character created.

I also see this being a trope we should move away from more often. It would be nice to have something else focused on. I can think of plenty of bad dates where the reason I wouldn't date them again is much more interesting than "allergic to the sun". A lot funnier, too.

So I guess it's just a question of: did the writers want to come off as judgmental women? Unlikeable characters shouldn't go away. Some people need that to process or rage with/at/for/towards during their moments of escape.

In my opinion, it comes down to the intent of the comment and the expectations built up for the audience at the end of the day. If you're settling in for a romcom, and they're out here being shitty, you don't want them to have a happily ever after. If it's a comedy, mixed feelings seem more acceptable. Horror? Well, I'm cool to not have a Final Girl, so don't mind me.

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So true, Elle! Thanks for your insights. The character was a fairly judgmental one.

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Well I appreciate your share! I hope you do more of these✨

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Alyssa Graybeal

I enjoy the pop culture commentary! I'm someone who is mildly "allergic to the sun" due to medication that helps me be less allergic to everything else. Also pale and freckly, so there ya go. And I'm kinda okay with an ableist joke that is either original, happens once, and is critiqued by a sympathetic character, or is solitary, stale, and pointed out for being solitary and stale. Watching characters grow is fun, and hating the baddie is fun sometimes, too.

What I'd rather have are disabled folks in the writers' room/Zoom to write better, more relatable jokes. And folks with a more interesting bad-dating history! Hey Hollywood, call me if you need references :)

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Hi Alison! Right? It is fun to watch characters grow. Hollywood, call us!!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Alyssa Graybeal

This was very engaging, I'd love to hear more on pop culture takes!

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Yay! Glad you enjoyed it!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Alyssa Graybeal

I really liked how you pointed out that using allergies and chronic illnesses as personality/jokes I'd ableist. I have had asthma and allergies my entire life, and they even get left behind in my mind sometimes because my newer diagnoses and mobility issues take priority in my mind. (Using my inhalers is normal, so to speak.) And I agree that writers need to do better not to be just glib about it, because it's really not a funny joke.

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Totally! At best, this kind of humor is just so, so stale.

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